Techniques to Increase SERP Blog Articles

Techniques to Increase SERP Blog Articles
Techniques of Increasing SERP Blog Articles - This blog only uses simple Techniques to strengthen and improve serp articles on google pages. Already know the meaning of SERP (Search Engine Result Page), which is the order of articles on google search pages. 

In this case, the article has been posted before, and for some reason your hopes missed and were far from estimates. It turns out that the article does not rank on the main page of Google, for example, is in the order of 15-30 or even worse, which is ranked 50th. Not bad?

Even though you have applied SEO techniques, such as keyword research, placing keywords in any title and article or technique that is related to SEO. It feels a little less Sreg too, the results of our hard work have not yielded results, and in the end the article slumped from the first page of Google. Patience, you only need to increase the SERP of the article so that it slowly reaches the rank of the google page.

Well, you've learned about SEO for sure. I will not teach SEO, because sometimes SEO is misleading. To increase the serp of articles on the google page it requires patience, because we are dealing with competitors (competitors) who may have a higher level, for example the age factor of the domain and the number of backlinks. So does the new blog have the chance to rank on the main google page? 

The answer can be ... a new blog can have the opportunity to rank on the google page. But surely we must be patient to do it. This technique has been proven and I applied this blog, slowly the article can reach the main page of google, even though it has to crawl from below. well that was all, all need patience.

Techniques to Increase SERP in articles

As seen in the picture on the side, it takes time to occupy 10 pages of google. Slowly but surely, the article slowly crept up towards the main courtyard. The technique that I use is very simple, and certainly you can apply it on each blog.

Internal link technique

This technique is very simple and proven to strengthen and improve serp articles, which means that the internal link technique is to create related links in one article to another article in a blog. Create another article, and provide a link to the article that the SERP wants to improve. for example as below (including internal links too)

Avoid using external links

We recommend that you do not use an external link to post in your article, do you know what the external link means? i.e. the link that points out of your blog, for example you place a live link that goes to another blog page. This is bad for SEO, you can disable the use of live links by writing addresses with plain HTML.

Technique to get backlinks by commenting

Search for articles on other blogs related to your blog niche, comment by using links from articles that want to strengthen the SERP. For this you can find a quality blog, which has a ranking. But keep in mind, not all blogs allow other links except the home page link in the comment. 

Tips: Give smart and relevant comments and be a bit long. Regarding articles that are being discussed, don't just rely on stubborn comments, because your comments might not be loaded.

Well, it's very simple, isn't it? We can create an internal link in any number in each article that you write, provided that the article connects with the article being discussed. Give clear information, for example "read", please read "," refer to this article ", or in other words. Do not create internal links that only link to links in sentences. 

So few tips on improving SERP Techniques Blog Articles , we only need patience, until the article that we are targeting is really proven and ranked on the main page of google ... If you look at this blog, there must be an internal link in each article, Know what I mean?? Hopefully this article is useful.

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